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Price 99$/year 149$/year

Frequently Asked Questions

This website helps you find and publish jobs tailored to your skills and preferences.

Our platform connects job seekers with employers, making the hiring process seamless and efficient.

We offer two memberships: LITE for $99 and Pro for $149.

The LITE membership allows you to post a limited number of job notices on our platform with standard visibility.

The Pro membership includes unlimited job postings, premium visibility, and priority support.

Yes, job seekers can create profiles, search for jobs, and apply without any charges.

We do not offer refunds on memberships. Please ensure the plan fits your needs before purchasing.

Log in to your account, navigate to the membership section, and follow the payment process.

Yes, you can upgrade at any time by paying the difference in membership fees.

Memberships are valid for one year from the date of purchase.

Employers can post job notices by logging into their accounts and selecting the "Post a Job" option.

Yes, there are different membership levels with associated fees. Choose the one that fits your needs.